Ideascape Client Successes

The case studies illustrate just some of the projects Ideascape people have worked on.

They show that companies trust us to make a positive impact on their business.

Nuclear Reactor Shutdown

Produced real time data and Systems for a Nuclear Energy company to monitor plant and safety in order to shut down the reactor if anything was out of the norm. In essence the very definition of a business critical solution.

Water Leakage Control

Worked with a major UK Water Utility to create Systems and procedures, which allowed the business to analyse, control and predict their pipeline leakages, so reducing their costs and increasing their public standing.

Data Migration USA

Successfully planned and managed the migration of in-house legacy billing, customer, financial and inventory systems, to a hosted SAP ERP system for a major US Company. Then migrated in additional customer data from an external company. Achieved on time and within budget despite aggressive time scales, poor quality source data and an ageing legacy system.

A National Business Critical Solution

Worked with a national Customer Relationship Management (CRM) organisation to ensure complete data capture to produce business critical Management Information and contunuity. Enabled the business to accurately control staffing levels and levels of service and to measure performance against contracts.